Remote learning

Remote education provision: Information for parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

Office 365

Our online learning platform is provided via Office 365; through this account your child can access email, electronic resources shared directly with them and POD where students are able to access additional resources and curriculum plans.  Via this platform, staff can set and receive work and communicate directly with classes and individuals. 

Devices which can be used to access these resources include X-box and PlayStation as well as mobile devices, laptops etc. 

 If you experience problems with this, then please use the “reset password” instructions or contact school at [email protected]  

To log in: 


Visit the school website and click on Systems in the top right hand corner (

Username – your child’s email address 

Password – your child’s password 

Students then click Office 365 to access Teams where staff will be teaching their 'Live' lessons and provide access to any resources that students will need. 

We would also encourage students to download the following free apps if they have not already done so:   

- OneDrive

- Teams

- Outlook -email 

- Word 

- PowerPoint 

- OneNote 

- Excel 

Parents / carers - what you can do if your child is working at home:

  • Provide a quiet space for your child to work in. 

  • Make sure your child follows the timetable outlined above. 

  • Encourage your child to complete all work to the best of their ability and as neatly as possible. 

  • Ask your child about the work they are doing and help them where you can; a great way of doing this is by testing them on what they have learned. 

  • Keep your child’s email login details safe and remind them of them where necessary. 

  • If you have any general queries, please contact the school enquiry line on [email protected]